Beauty BFF Viewer Q & A: Post-Pimple Problem

Q: I have very unforgiving skin- long after a pimple is gone, you can still see a red mark on my face.  How can I truly cover these up, or, better yet, prevent them from coming in the first place?

A: Ah, few things are as frustrating as finally conquering a pimple only to have an unsightly red mark stick around in it's place, reminding you daily of the blemish that once was.

In the short term- concealer, concealer, concealer. I swear by Cle de Peau, which is a major splurge I realize, but it is the best. Every makeup artist has it in their kit- and for a reason. It is amazing.

On a preventative note, look for products with licorice extract- that helps to get rid of discoloration and even out skin tone. If you go too crazy with all the hard core acid products to suck the pimple dry in the first place, it is no wonder that a red mark will result. So balance the potentially irritating treatments with soothing elements- use a soothing cleanser or a moisturizer with anti-inflammatory properties. Much like a balanced diet, I really do believe that a balanced skin care regimen will yield the best long term results. It may not always give you the instant gratification that you crave, but in the long run, your skin will thank you for it.

BeautyJenn Falik3 Comments