Self-Tanning Product Picks To Use Right Now

We are 4+ weeks in to self-quarantine/shelter-in-place/social-distance life, and I don’t know about you guys, but I am starting to wilt. Staring at my ghostly reflection in the mirror is not helping- especially as we look ahead to warmer temps and changing out our tie dye sweatsuits for cute t-shirts, tank tops and cozy shorts. So, I am back in faux glow fanatic mode- and should you want to join me on this pretend trip to the Bahamas, below are 10 top self tanners for face and body to buy in lieu of a plane ticket. Since a flight to some fancy destination ain’t happenin’ any time soon it seems.

As you see regularly in my Instagram stories- this anti-aging daily sunless tan face serum is a personal favorite, and I am forever loyal to this trusty drugstore deal from the neck down. All the cool teens I know are obsessed with this self tanning water which is on my list to try, and also adding these self tanning face drops to my cart now.

The products below will keep you covered from head to toe- all have rave reviews in common, but I did make an effort to seek out formulas to appeal to a myriad of skin types and texture preferences! Feel free to leave your personal favorites in the comment section, always looking to add more to my must-try shopping list.