Weekend Uniform: The Best Sweatshirt Dresses

Current weekend uniform? Sweatshirt dresses. So easy to throw on (especially for travel days), many pair perfectly with leggings, and hey, any excuse to wear something super soft- I’ll take it! My personal favorites from the eight below include this vintage Wrangler throwback (majorly on sale right now too) and this flouncy “looks layered but is really one cozy piece” sweatshirt dress.

Speaking of weekends- any big plans ahead for yours? We are laying low (hopefully!)- dinner out with friends tonight, then I am taking Alexa to meet a potential new friend who will be in her bunk at summer camp tomorrow. I remember doing that with my mom a million years ago, and I SOOOOO do not feel old enough to be the one driving the car and arranging the plans. But, considering I am turning 41 (WTF???!!!) next week, I guess I am most definitely old enough. F*ck- where does the time go?! On Sunday, Brian and I are dividing and conquering- he is going to a pancake breakfast with Lex at her Hebrew school, and I get to be on Goldie duty at Skyzone for her friend’s birthday party. Considering how freaked out Brian is about Coronavirus, probably best that I (potentially the least germ-o-phobic mom on earth) be the one to chaperone any events taking place at a trampoline park right now :)