The 10 Minute Memory List Challenge, Inspired By That Google Commercial (You Know The One).

Do you cry every time you see THIS Google commercial? Me too. Ugly cry. A few minutes later, once I collect myself, I send myself an email- and it says the same thing every time- wondering if any of you guys do the same?

Subject: Record little tidbits about Goldie & Lex IMMEDIATELY!

The next day at my desk, I put a reminder for this task in my Google calendar and delete the email. Eventually, said reminder gets snoozed until it eventually deletes itself and the cycle begins again. So, since I am much more disciplined with writing my blog than I am with personal stuff, I decided to try combining the two and turn the memory! And that gave me an idea

And because it is all about adding value and giving readers an actionable take-away in the blog world, also hoping this super simple, not fancy at all memory capture will make doing the same feel less daunting for you guys too.

I am setting a timer for 10 minutes and jotting down as many things I want to remember as I can.

Here goes.

My 10 Minute Memory List Challenge

-Goldie and Lex used to love to play a game they made up called Dentist where they would check each other’s teeth and run around the house. They did it once in an airport and it was odd and hilarious.

-Lex used to ask our nannies Alba and Isma “Are you happy?” when she was like 2 all the time!

-Goldie would say “bessert” (dessert), bimnastics (gymnastics) and of course bagina (you can guess that one)- SO cute.

-I can’t remember which kid it was, but I hope it comes back to me- driving to the train station in Westport to pick up Isma late one Monday afternoon at the end of a “Mommy Monday” and TBD kid says “It’s really a long day, mommy!” And I was like- HELL YEAH IT IS!

-The girls have a new rhyme skit- it goes like this: Gogo says “C’mon A let’s go play!” and then Lex responds “C’mon G, let’s go pee.” They think it is hilarious, except when Lex messes with Goldie and pretends to forget her line and Gogo gets PISSED!

-”Cheerleader” by Omi was the song they made their first truly choreographed dance to- we had to watch it 10000 times, and honestly I never tired of seeing it.

-The time Alexa made up a play and Goldie was Miss Ratbury and she lost her million dollar bracelet, Lex played Mr. Foxon the butler who had to plan a party for Miss Ratbury to gather her friends so she could announce a contest to find the bracelet and get a reward.

-Lex has Goldie convinced that at night, the floor of her bedroom becomes a trampoline with a slide and she slides down to “Doc McStuffinsville” which is like a giant playscape (there is nothing Goldie loves more than a playscape!) Goldie fully believes this- and Lex uses it as a bribery tool to get Goldie to do what she tell her to do. Because if Goldie wants to go to Doc McStuffinsville, she has to be nice!

-Goldie says that her stuffed animal “Woofie” makes her brave.

-When we go to Sakura for sushi, Brian gets the Ikura fish egg sushi and feeds them one by one to the girls with chopsticks while they pretend to be dolphins and squawk for more.

-Alexa loved the song “Roar” by Katy Perry so much but she called it “Fire the Tire” I think because of how she heard the lyrics “I got the eye of the tiger…”

Challenge Complete!

Ok- timer just went off so, done for now. Even though these notes are random, in no particular order and surely not the most gracefully written prose, it feels SO GOOD to just have them out of my brain and onto the (digital) page.

Open up a notebook, talk into the Voice Recorder or go to a Notes app on your phone (or, I guess you could do as the commercial shows us and talk into Google- but gotta be honest, I am crying so hard within seconds of the commercial starting that I actually have no clue how to do what the man in the commercial does!) Set a timer for 10 minutes and GO.