Old Navy Hoodie: Best $30 I Spent This Month

(My apologies- I don't have a JPEG to insert but just couldn't wait any longer to share this must-have, so check it out here.)

Ever since we got our adorable dog Norman and early morning and late night walks became part of the routine, my husband Brian has harassed me about my terrible dog-walking wear. There really is an art to throwing on comfy clothes and looking chic in seconds, especially as Norm squirms around the apartment desperate to get outside.

Until I discovered this Old Navy hoodie, I was the style spectacle of Madison Square Park. Instead of my bright red, ragged, 2 sizes too big sweatpants and a mismatched vintage tee shirt, I throw on black leggings and this- which is long enough to cover what I want covered (read: my butt) but is slim fitting so it doesn't swallow me whole.